Jamie's Story

How R2R helped Jamie cut her daily bladder pain from 10/10 to 3/10 in just 8 weeks
What she had to say...
" I'm Jamie from Rhode Island, I am 40 years old. I have been struggling with IC since April of this year 2024. It came to a point where it was affecting my work life, my relationships, my friendships, my athletics.
I mean just three months ago I basically lived on a couch with a heating pad dreading each day just waiting to go to bed every night because I just didn't know how I was going to be able to live with these like symptoms for the rest of my life, the quality of my life just totally went so downhill.
Thankfully though the only reason why I do love doing my little fingers on the internet was because I did come across cie on not only Facebook but um you popped up on Tik Tok too what drew me to cie instantly was that I felt so comforted and I actually learned so much from her before I mean this is months and months on before I joined was that somebody else was in my shoes and found their own way with their experience and is now helping other people it's great to go to doctors and all but they don't know the pain that you're truly going through unless you live it and so that gave me hope that if someone like her can do this and and maneuver through life and now be in remission that I could too I took the leap because I truly believe as an athlete my dad always said this to me you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take and opportunities and I was like I don't care what this costs because I'm pretty sure I spent that in supplements co-pays and x y and z um I wanted more of the holistic approach and natural approach and also though to know and be supported at sometimes if you do need to take a medication temporarily that is cool don't beat yourself up it doesn't have to be longterm and I I definitely wasn't sold on it was diet for me at all um even though I had eliminated like very spicy stuff and acidic stuff and caffeine for a while I pretty much ate everything out out else and I still had these symptoms matter what um but thankfully I messaged Cali one day and I'm like listen I am ready and I totally understand why people are hesitant but what I can tell you is the proof is in the pudding just with just never mind herself and Amy but there's other clients myself like I said three months ago I wasn't even able to put normal pants on um and have anything around my waistband I never mind think of working out and playing hockey again and being able to actually go back to work like I actually had to take time out of work for this you know it made my mental state terrible for a while I I think I Cal even quoted me I I I was like the hot mess Express like I was getting severely depressed um you know very very anxious and and just in fear of my entire life but when I joined this group of women and saw the Education portal and like now I know how to really advocate for myself CU if you don't push for yourself like she said no one else is going to my symptoms just two months ago went from I say a 20 because I don't even do the one out of 10 um to honestly about a three now and that is without any kind of medications and that is not something that I even thought was attainable until like I had the support of these ladies um I constantly showed up to my calls I only had to miss one since past two and a half months and literally reach out when I need help and there's nobody better that understands than these women and that's where I got the most Comfort when I joined like the first week I joined I was like I feel great I'm in remission I mean I wasn't but just that love and support and to have people around you that know what you're going through is like unbelievable and be able to share your experiences even when you're not having the greatest day and have others give you feedback of what helped them um is what's really helped me like everybody is unique um I found out that my root causes immediately were definitely my nervous system in the state of fight a flight um pretty much most of my life now that I'm learning and um a super tight pelvic floor which I'm now in pelvic floor therapy for and um I guess for the nervous system it looks different from everybody but um you know I wasn't even open to stuff like meditation in my past and um you know now I make sure I meditate at least once a day whether it's at home whether it's right where I work wake up whether it's if I'm at work I also listen to like motivational podcasts and and do some breathing and do some stretching and just kind of have other outlets like hockey is one for me that kind of takes my um level down to normal for me and just honestly trying to surround myself with positive people that love me for me and accept me for where I'm at and that's what Road Mission has definitely given me so if you are hesitant I totally get it but again the results do show I never in my wildest dreams thought I could be feeling as good as I am today than I was three months ago like it was pretty it was pretty bad I didn't I used to tell C like I'm in fear of everything I'm a fear I'm gonna lose my bladder I'm a fear I'm gonna lose my job and she's like Jamie stop don't obsess and like honestly the less I think about those things the better I feel and the less I think about my bladder the better I feel so um honestly it's a it's been so far life-changing and I'm only a few months in so I can't even imagine what it can be as long as I stick to the basics and keep doing what I'm doing and I'm sure that there's many of you out there that know the exact pain that we were going through just recently and not that I don't have any symptoms but like I said they've decreased significantly so if you're hesitant I would tell you to jump the hell in because it is so worth it and there's you can't put a price on your health you really can't and and the support that you get like I said I feel like these women are family to me and I've never even met them so and we have a lot of laughs so just join us