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Five-Step Coffee Challenge

Not sure if you're ready to drink coffee again? Here's our five-step hot drink challenge that we suggest to every patient considering drinking coffee again. Start at Step One and slowly work your way down. If any of these trigger your symptoms, then stop and go back up a step. If your bladder tolerates one well, then proceed to the next step and give it a try. Please note, however, that whenever you're struggling with active symptoms, it's best to keep your hot drinks mild and simple! (one through three) (These recipes are from an IC safe cookbook)

Step One: Hot water or milk! (mild flavorings optional: vanilla, caramel, etc)

Step Two: Chamomile & Peppermint Herbal Teas

Step Three: Rooibos Herbal Teas

Step Four: Herbal Coffee (Pero, Kaffree Roma or Cafix)

Step Five: Low Acid Coffee

If you've passed all of the previous steps and your bladder tolerates them wll, then it's time to try the real thing but there's a catch! You need to try LOW ACID coffee. These are grown at a lower altitudes, tend to be darker roasts and, ideally, should be brewed using a cold brew process (i.e. The Toddy Coffee Maker) to make a genuine low acid coffee!

We love Simpactico Low Acid Coffee for its flavor and acidity level! This small company based in Holland MI has made the crafting of low acid coffee an art form, with great flavors, mouth feel and satisfaction. Buy now them in the ICN Shop-

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